Monday, June 02, 2008

"You Can't Be Too Rich Or Too Thin" Turns Out To Be Only Half Right

You know that song by the Black Eyed Peas where they sing "transmit hits with no dilution"? Well, it's possible you don't know it because who knows if that's really what they're sayng? Do they really say, "Let's get ignant, let's get heptic"? We could all go over to and try and figure it out, but either you already know, or, you're like me, and you're wondering what that could possibly have to do with this post.
Yesterday, as you may know, I rode 100K on my skinniest tires. Because they're not only skinny, but really high pressure, they sent every little bump in the road directly into me. In fact, it was so heptic that tomorrow I'm going to put the other tires back on.

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