Friday, January 15, 2010

Sonic The Audiobook

I downloaded the audiobook version of The Elegance of the Hedgehog onto my phone today at lunch, and listened to it at work today. The autodidactic concierge had a thought I identified with, "I may be indigent in name, position, and appearance, but in my own mind, I am an unrivaled goddess." A friend called soon after that and told me about his other friend that has an iPhone. I told him that I thought she might enjoy this book on the trip they're taking, but he said she was taking books made out of paper, just like the Bunyans (John and Paul). I guess it's like they say, when it comes to books, you've got to cut a few trees. Other cultures have similar sayings; in those old, stringent, Prussian grammar schools they used to say, "If you want to make an umlaut, you've got to break a few legs."

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