Saturday, March 17, 2012

We're Tour de Curing Again

Researchers keep coming out of their labs to announce that the cure for most diabetes cases is diet and exercise. Americans keep sending them back, "Nope, try again, we're thinking maybe a pill, or some special food, perhaps cheese."
Despite that, not all cases of diabetes are caused by sedentary overeating, and the disease can be devastating. To  help fund research into causes and treatments, I'm planning to participate in the 2012 Tour de Cure. If you go to:
 you can join my team, and then it will be our team. Use the promotion code LUCKY7 before the 21st of March and you can join for $7.00. It turns out that I can't join for you;  it just smiles patiently and says, "Thanks, but you've already joined."
After joining, you can set up your own pages and the process can continue over and over until eventually we become Amway. If the idea of riding sixty miles seems daunting even with SAG vans and snacks, when you get to the site, you can sponsor me. I'll do the riding and eating for you, the researchers will continue the hunt for the elusive Gorgonzola particle and you can feel good about the part we all played in making the world a better place.

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