Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I posted some pictures on Facebook,  generously provided by Cathy Beeson, from the demonstration yesterday. You'd think it would be easy to post them here, too, but it's not. After I did, one of my friends asked how we would pay for all the things that Dunleavy vetoed. It turned out to be easy to post that here:

a big part of the problem (as I see it) is insisting on a large PFD. If we can’t afford to have a functioning university, Medicaid, help for seniors, or to make the promised payments to municipalities then we can’t afford a huge PFD. Another way to help pay for necessary programs is for Alaskans to pay an income tax. We sound like a bunch of entitled welfare recipients when we demand money FROM the government, but we’re not willing to help pay FOR government. Jay Hammond never supported eliminating the state income tax because he foresaw this. Thirdly, the state forgoes well over a billion dollars a year in tax credits for the oil companies.
Nationally, tax cuts for the wealthy have blown up the deficit. It’s a little disingenuous to then claim we can’t afford the nice things other countries have.

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